What was your best christmas gift or suprise?

What was your best Christmas gift or surprise this year ?

Answer #1

My friends know that I’m not very fond of Christmas. A bunch of them got together and threw a party… and they all bought me gifts. It was really sweet, and it really put me in the Christmas spirit. Then almost all of them left and it was just my “friend” and I. He lit candles, and put on music, and made it a very romantic evening, it was like something out of a movie.


Answer #2

I’ve been married for about 8 weeks now, and with the wedding done and over with. My husband and I decided not to buy each other anything for christmas. Instead we would buy for our children. Well I had a gift with my name on it from my husband. It was a calendar and each month we have a date set for us. One night to the show, another night two for dining. He put alot of thought into my gift and it was the best I’d ever received. I know I can look forward to 2007 with at least one surprise a month.


Answer #3

i would say my new laptop..and the fireworks :)


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