What to get for christmas?

I need to make my christmas list before the end of the week! help! I’m 15 a varsity volleyball player, im 6 feet3 inch, I love Paul Walker and Brad pit. I practice over 20hrs a week. I like to read I am twilight udsessed. I luv the show Vampire diarys! that the main stuff what are cool creative gifts to ask for a list would be helpful thnx

Answer #1

camera, volleyball net? clothes, shoes, new phone, animal haha, ummm new room stuff, cds, movies, new Beatles rock band(:- it really does rock! purse, ipod, roller blades? umm im just throwing stuff out there haha. I don’t know good luck tho!

Answer #2

errmmm… just look in catoulogs and stuff get ideas off the internet

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