What to add to a plain purple hoody?

ok so I’ve began to prepare a plan to make a plain purple hoody but I have absolutely no idea what embelleshments to add or what other designs to add to it. purples like the most hardest colour and its for teenage age group thanks :)

Answer #1

id make the strings on the hood gold, and add something gold on the pockets if there is any

Answer #2

I would bleach it up. Probably get some duct tape and put it on in stripes or a neat design like criss-crossing and then fill a hairspray bottle with 1/4 bleach and 3/4 water and spray it all over, so that the taped part stays bright. Let it sit for about a half hour, take off the tape and then wash it in the washing machine really well.

Answer #3

if its purple I would do a gold design, like glitter and or stones that are all gold. maybe do a pattern or some type of drawing/art on the back.

Answer #4

just add things like patches, badges, buttons, safety pins, ect or if you want to, paint it or as the first person said, bleach it purple isnt designed for a teenage age group though, its a colour and its a colour for everyone its also not the hardest colour to wear

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