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What to add to a plain purple hoody?
ok so I’ve began to prepare a plan to make a plain purple hoody but I have absolutely no idea what embelleshments to add or what other designs to add to it. purples like the most hardest colour and its for teenage age group thanks :)
id make the strings on the hood gold, and add something gold on the pockets if there is any
I would bleach it up. Probably get some duct tape and put it on in stripes or a neat design like criss-crossing and then fill a hairspray bottle with 1/4 bleach and 3/4 water and spray it all over, so that the taped part stays bright. Let it sit for about a half hour, take off the tape and then wash it in the washing machine really well.
if its purple I would do a gold design, like glitter and or stones that are all gold. maybe do a pattern or some type of drawing/art on the back.
just add things like patches, badges, buttons, safety pins, ect or if you want to, paint it or as the first person said, bleach it purple isnt designed for a teenage age group though, its a colour and its a colour for everyone its also not the hardest colour to wear
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Hair is jet black but I want it to be purple - 3 Answers
My hair is jet black but I want it to be purple how do I do it without bleaching my hair?
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How do I get zip-up hoodies for a low price? (with picture) - 1 Answers
How do I get zip-up hoodies for a fairly low price one like this!
Euphoric Hoodie
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