What the symptoms of a miscarage?

What the symptoms of a miscarage?

Answer #1

I had that happen lots of tissue come out it was light grey in color but followed with bleeding for a couple of days I had just found out that I was pregnant! CAll planned parenthood or ask to speak with a nurse at the hospital I did this and they informed me that I did miscarry. Which was also confirmed by my doctor. I would think that if there was no blood then no.It could be a UTI which is what I think it is because I just had one last week with the same symptoms. Depending how bad your UTI is the symptoms will vary so keep that in mind. You can go to planned parenthood or to your family doctor and they can do a urine test and give you some antibiotics. Here is a link to some info about a UTI! If it is a UTI which I am 90% sure it is you need to drink lots of water LOTS and go when needed don’t hold it and get treatment ASAP so you don’t get a kidney infection. I had one and let me tell you it was worse than giving birth to my son!




Answer #2

If baby is still moving, then it may be just a bad case of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) I had one of those a few months ago, it can be wicked!!


Answer #3

well can you tell me please eif I’ve had a miscaraige? :S ..

well a few days ago.. I was in the city and needed a pee like every 10 mins. it was horrible because when I went to the loo I would get these reaallyy sharp and stabbing pains in my bladder area after peeing (was only like a dribble that would come out). :S and then I looked at the tissue after wiping of course and there was like a pinksh colour on it .. and today I have brownish stuff on the tissue like gungy :/ I didnt take a pregnancy test tho thats the thing :l so im not sure what this was? I went to the doctors yesterday and had a urine sample and everything came back neg :S


Answer #4

If everything came back negative then I dont know why that happened? I do remember once I kind of had a similar thing happen…I thought I had a urinary tract infection cause it really hurt when I tried to pee and there was a small amount of blood but I went to the doctor and everything came back okay. So maybe its just a weird thing that has no explanation…When you had the urine sample tested did they test for all possible causes?

Answer #5

ok erm im not sure tbh.. I had to circle things on this form saying what symptoms I was having and they went from that I suppose :S

Answer #6

Really bad cramping pains and bleeding - like a very heavy period.

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