what the hell is a ip adress

what is a ip adress

Answer #1

can you change you ip address from a hacker?

Answer #2

yes you can change your ip

Answer #3

You know how your home has a PHYSICAL address in the real world? Well, your computer has a IP address in the digital (Internet) world.

The 32-bit number uniquely identifying a node on a network using Internet Protocol, as defined in STD 5, RFC 791. An IP address is normally displayed in dotted decimal notation, e.g. The address can be split into a network number (or network address) and a host number unique to each host on the network and sometimes also a subnet address.

Answer #4

if you are not behind a router you can try opening command prompt and type

ipconfig /release hit enter then type ipconfig /renew hit enter

That should ask your ISP for a new ip address. if you are behind a router, it will just ask your router for a new ip address, but wont change the ip address that is assigned to you by your ISP.

You can tell if your behind a router if there is more than one computer hooked up to your internet connection or while in command prompt type


if you ip address is something like 192.168.1.xxx or 192.168.0.xxx your most likely behind a router.

if you are behind a router you have to log into your routers interface and tell it to give you a new IP address.

Answer #5

An IP address is an Internet Protocol address. It is used to identify all the websites on the internet. Each IP address is unique and it is separated by periods. For example : . It ranges from 0 to 255. Each and every website have an IP address. For example, an IP address for Google.com is and that is how the internet identifies it. Generally, ip address is very difficult to remember by the visitors. So, they type domain name ( google.com/yahoo.com etc ) in the browser and it is converted to the destination address . This conversion process is done by DNS ( Domain name system / Domain Name Server ). There are two types of ip addresses:

  1. Private Ip address
  2. Public Ip address Private ip address is also known as internal ip of your computer. To get the ip address of a computer use the following steps: start->run->cmd-> ipconfig or start->run->cmd->ipconfig/all It shows your internal ip address. Public or external ip address is used to access the internet. To determine your public ip address visit the site http://www.ip-details.com/ .
Answer #6

Hi torturdchaos

Thanks for your information. I have followed your steps then change my ip address. After i have check my new ip address from this site http://www.ip-details.com/

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