Why do they call it aging "gracefully?"

Why do they call it aging “gracefully?”

Answer #1

Ageing gracefully means just accepting the fact that you’re getting old, instead of getting plastic surgery or slapping on half a ton of make up every morning.

Answer #2

Doesn’t that mean like the person said above, that the person doesn’t get old looking suddenly? For instance my Dad is aging gracefully because he doesn’t have any wrinkles and everyone thinks he’s young enough to be with ME lol Kinda funny and weird

Answer #3

Dear imtheloser, Ageing gracefully refers to at which speed you are ageing. I like to think I am ageing gracefully: I don’t look my age, I have few wrinkles, I still do things a younger person would do and I don’t complain about my age. Sue…good luck

Answer #4

Kinda goes hand in hand with “You’re only as old as you feel”…Course the only people who say that are 35 and under…and they say it to people who are 55 and older…Like they’d know…LOL


Answer #5

Hmmm… Depends on who you are. Some people have been extremely hard on themselves.

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