What t-mobile???

So as you read my other one is an at&t witch I wanted but my parents want me 2 get a t-mobile phone so im wondering witch is the best phone today.what I like is a scrolling txt thing,camara,free txt,games,etc.I dont know whats blu tooth but it sounds cool xd and please dont say a g1 my cousin and my brother have 1 and I dont whant 2 copy em lol.or at least let it have a camara,free txt,scrolling txt thing dont matter have 2 be cool,stylish,etc :]]

Answer #1

ummm I have the Samsung Behold. its really good :) its a touch screen and its easy to use. My friend has the mytouch and she likes it as well most tmoblie phones are good. Just stay away from motorola, horrible phones. Look nice; but end up not to well. So good luck :)

Answer #2

well I dont know what kind of phones t-mobil has. but all blu tooth is is talking hands free., I mean like with an earpiece in.

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