What should I wear if I'm thin?

I’m 17 and I’m very thin. I am 180cm (5’8) and my weight is 60 kg (132 lbs) . I am tired of wearing flat pants and big hoodies to cover my thinness. I really want to change my style but I don’t exactly know what kinda style I want.

Answer #1

im 21 and have similar measurments, 180cm and 58 kilos. you know thats a fashion model figure, right? I used to hate it when I was a teen too but now I love it, im not afraid of my legs anymore (I didnt wear shorts or skirts till I was 19 because I was so ashamed of them) and now wear skinnies with ripped rock tshirts, I like when the shirts are longer than the belt line so they dont look short on me. I wear a lot of straight long coats in winter, I think a tall woman makes quiet an impression in those! if you want some inspiration on what other thin women wear look on blogs and fashion sites, check keira knightley on Thefashionspot.com for example or kate moss. they’re both a bit shorter than us but excellent dressers for their skinny figure! you’re hot, just need to learn how to handle it ;)

good luck and kisses from a proud tall girl N.

Answer #2

im starting my last year in secondary yay. but I havent worn a skirt for all the years I’ve been there. I havent cus im kind of skinny on my legs but my friends say I should wear one anyway. To make matters worse im pretty tall to. what should I do, wear a skirt or keep my legs covered for one more year?

Answer #3

xD man! im 5’11 and 140lbs and I just wear AE t-shrits and regular old blue genes!

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