Will a condom ensure pregnancy protection

My boyfriend and I have decided to have sex. Don’t come out with ‘your too young, you need to save your virginity’ because I’ve heard it all. But A) will a condom ensure pregnancy protection? B) will he care that I’m not the thinnest of girls? C) how much will it hurt? Will I bleed? D) where should we do it? Our parents are rarely out…? E) what is a good simple position?

We really love eachother and have been together for a long time. Please help. :)

Answer #1

First of all…

Condoms are not 100% safe guard. There is a risk, but a small one. If you use the condom properly it should work. But it is NOT protection from STD’s. You are very young wether you think so or not, and people may have been telling you this but they are telling you for a reason and you NEED to listen to them. Thirteen/fourteen is a very young age with a lot of life left inhead of you. Getting pregnant can really mess life up.

No, if he really loves you he shouldn’t care about what you look like. Looks are a nice bonus but falling in love with looks is a lost cause because looks fade, your personhood will not. Don’t do something your uncomfortable with. But he shouldn’t care.

How much it hurts and if you bleed varries from person to person. Some say it hurts like hell, and others say it didn’t hurt at all. There might be some initial discomfort, like a pressure, but if you relax and just try to have a good time it shouldn’t be awful. Make sure you are ready for him before you let him in.

If you are dead-set on doing this, then you need to do it somewhere comfortable. A car IS NOT a good place for a first time. Don’t try to cram into the back seat it’s not fun and it won’t give you a very good memory of your first time. You need to be somewhere comfortable, and if you do get caught willing to accept the consequenses.

Most people who do it for the first time will have the girl lay on her back and the guy on top. It’s a simple way to do it for the first time. You don’t want to get crazy but have a good time and don’t be afraid to experiment.

If this is something you really want to do, you need to THINK IT THROUGH. Sit down and seriously ask yourself if this is something you are really ready to do, and your virginity is something very special. Something ONLY YOU can give. You need to really know that THIS is the guy you want to lose that with. Cause once it’s done there’s no taking it back. Sex is an adults game that children like to play. You REALLY REALLY need to be 110% SURE this is what you want. Hope this helped.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice