He wont talk 2 me

This guy I’ve been trying 2 talk 2 for the passed week wont talk 2 me and I need 2 ask him about his band play at a party. He got a record deal and stuff so I think it’ll be cool for his band 2 play. So I was gonna talk 2 him in the halls during lunch. When I tried he just kept staring at me like he was mad at me his cuzin stared at me the same way 2. Then when he saw me on his way 2 class he put his hood on for I wouldnt notice him and just walked off. Then one day I said hi and he didn’t look at me or anything he just walked passed me . Why does he do this what should I do

Answer #1

well one day I would go straight up to him and ask him. just walk up to him(where he has no escape) and ask “why are you acting so weird around me? did I do something wrong?” then maybe he will come out and say that he was just amazed you asked his band to play at a party, he thinks you are crazy(doubt it), or he will just be like I don’t know what you are talking about(he so has a thing for you or he just does that with everyone and has a drug addictionthat was a joke not serious)

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