What should I do about this guy I really like?

I really like this guy! but we go to different skools! we liked eachother for a while and we went out a few times however I was quite annoying because I just made up lame excuses a few times when he asked me to go see him just because I couldnt be bothered going out..I knwww I hate myself for that now!!! anywayys his best friend is a girl and I rlyy didnt mind it much until they started getting way too close and he would make his status on a social site as I love jenna (his best frnd) and stuff!! and thts when we started not talkin much.. then I told him that wtv we have is not rlyy workin.. and he started being really weird he said we ddnt really have anythn..but then after like 5mins he says so what should we do?! and I was annoyed so I just said I dunno and I left!! now its been around 3 weeks and I still rlyyy like him!! we dont talk like we used to!! and he is alwaaays wid jenna and stuff!!! I dont know if he likes her!! I also find it hard to talk to him because I dont want to seem desperate and im the one who usually starts talkin first!! yesterday we were chattin online and I asked him if he wanted to meet up. and he said ‘I cant today I have to go to a football match thing’ and then I was like ‘o oki ‘ and he said ‘I havent seen you for soo loong :s’ so I said if he wanted to meet up this tuesday! and he said ill see!!! so I dunnooo im sooo confuuuseeed plzzz heeelp mee!!! I knww this was rlyy long but I rlyy neeed help :D thaaanks if you read what I wrooote

Answer #1

Usually, I think talking is not that important. It’s a guy thing. I know … girls love talking. But in this case, I’d suggest telling him how you feel. However, there’s a big risk: he could be totally uninterested in you, and only interested in her.

So I would say to him what you said in your question (only shorter :) – I rlyy like you – I’ve been acting silly because I don’t know about you and the other girl – My heart is yours if you want it

Don’t ask him how he feels or tell him he should do this or that. Just announce how you feel. It could be a disaster, it could be great. Even if it’s a disaster you will feel better.

Good luck

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