What should I do.he has a mole on his face ! ?

long story short. boy meets girl,boys likes girl,giirl likes boy. its christmas.. winter hubby.wifey.. he’s SEXY

guess what he has a big mole/birthmark on his face..it dont stik out ot nothing bt still

dont get me rong its like towards the left of his chinn,and its near his lips kinda..but oh my god!. I know looks and stuff but.. what can I doo, and he always wants me to jam IN PUBLIC with him.. I should grow up right..but my friends are gonna be like ohhmygood.. im not patheticc or anythingg but this is an issue…I have a phobia of spots as it is

Answer #1

how big is this big mole?

Answer #2

Well, you need to talk to him about it and tell him how you feel. If it bothers you that much then maybe you need to re-assess dating him. If he really wants you to stya and you really cannot handle it, ask him if he would ever consider getting it removed. It is a lot to ask a guy, but just talk it through with him, and hope for the best! Good luck!

Answer #3

who cares what your so called friends think if they can’t support you, going to put you down for something so insignificant, they’re not your friends. If you like him, go for it. Get over your phobia. If it really is THAT big a deal for you, then take his ^ advice. best of luck

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