what should I do?

im 15 and I’ve never had a boyfriend and I always say how I would love to have one but now this guy im friends with likes me more then just a friend and might be breaking up with his girlfriend not just because he likes me but he says shes judge mental and w/e butim not should if im scared of having a relationship or if I even want a boyfriend and or I just no really like my friend that likes me I really dont no I’ve been a third wheel for so long im kinda use to I ti guess but ya what do you think I should do about this :S

Answer #1

after he breaks up with his girlfriend, keyword after because you dont want the drama of doing it beforehand, talk to him and tell him your into him.. see if hes ready to get into another relationship yet. if hes not then take things slow..just try hanging out with him a little more one on one until things slowly unwind and you can see if you want to be in a relationship with him or not

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