What should I do?

I think my boyfriend is taking pills 2 help him last longer during sex I love my boyfriend a lot we have been best friends 4 3 year and just recently got 2gether 4 moths ago should I say something? Or should I leave it alone

Answer #1

Thank you because I honestly didnt know what 2 do I didnt know it was common. you were very helpful

Answer #2

Unless you have a concern that it’s affecting his health, I would let it be.

Watch for signs of degenerative health or energy, and if it happens, talk to him about it.

If he’s taking medication, it’s most likely perscribed by his doctor, and he’s being monitored.

It’s not uncommon for men to use these kinds of pills, but asking him about it right now might make him feel uncomfortable.

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice