What if I really want to be a teen Mom?

ok im 13 and really want a baby I just keep thinking that I could have this amazing little baby growing inside me I want to be a teen mum but I dont know if I could go through the labour please help me I dont know what to do I really want this baby but I no im way to young but if I did get preggie I would NEVER get an abortion even if my parents tried to make meh so please Help me


Answer #1

Go here and get you an electronic baby - this way you can test yourself and see if you’re anywhere near ready for a real baby…Take care !!


Answer #2

While we live in this great country the USA where you have the freedom to bear a child if you wish - it doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for you, the father or the baby.

There are a lot of things to consider. Are you expecting your parent’s to take care of the costs? How do THEY feel about you having a baby? Do you have a job? Will you finish school? Are you financially secure? Do you have health insurance? Is your job secure? Do you have your own place? What about transportation? Will you be able to go back to work right away? Will you have to depend on ONLY His or your parent’s income for a time? What if the baby is sick, is your job/school going to allow you to be away?

Here’s what you should do to get a picture of WHY having a baby right now isn’t a good idea.

Get a recent newspaper and look for a place to rent. Write down how much it would cost to rent a month.

Now figure out your utilities(heat, water, sewage, trash pickup, electric etc) and how much they would cost a month.

Do you want cable tv? internet? add those costs in there too.

Car payments? Add that.

Don’t forget about the delivery! It easily costs between $5,000-$8,000 for a normal vaginal delivery, up to $12,000 for a cesarean delivery and much more if there are complications. If you are covered by insurance, it may cover most of the cost.

If you plan to use disposable diapers, plan on spending between $1,600-$2,300 by the time your baby is potty-trained. Expect your baby to go through at least 7-8 diapers a day on average and spending $80-$130 a month on diapers alone (especially in the first few months, when changes are more frequent.)

For formula (up until your baby is one-year-old), expect to spend between $1,000-$2,300- depending on whether you use powder in a can or ready-to-pour liquids. Plan on spending at least $40 a week on infant formula.

Don’t forget about food for you, him and baby!

Uh-oh Baby is sick. Doctor’s Visit $65 baby needs antibiotics $35

Uh-oh The car broke down. $120 to get it fixed. (so you see, you also have to be prepared for unexpected financial woes)

This is a break-down of the average prices for baby items (not all are a necessity.)

Crib with mattress- $160-$750 Crib bedding set- $35-$270 Crib blankets (4-6)- $8-$40 each Fitted crib sheets (2)- $8-$20 each Water-proof mattress cover- $10-$20 Bassinet or cradle- $35-$260 Changing table- $70-$600 Changing pad & cover- $25-$50 Dresser- $90-$650 Rocker or glider- $90-$500 Car seat- $35-$280 Stroller or travel system- $30-$300 Playpen or porta-crib- $60-$180 Swing- $45-$130 Play center or walker- $50-$125 Mobile- $25-$70 Baby carrier or sling- $20-$140 Monitor- $20-$230 Baby gate- $35-$250 Bouncer seat- $30-$90 Toy box- $25-$90 Gym or play mat- $25-$90 Doorway jumper- $25-$60 High chair- $45-$240 Diaper bag- $10-$60 Diaper pail- $20-$45 Refills- $15-$20 (3 pack) Thermometer- $10-$90 First aid supplies (kit)- $20-$30 Humidifier or vaporizer- $15-$130 Bottles 8 oz & 4 oz (8-10)- $10-$20 (3 pack) or $20-$40 (starter set) Bottle warmer- $18-$35 Sterilizer- $30-$70 Breast pump & accessories- $45-$350 Breastfeeding pillow- $20-$35 Bath tub or seat- $15-$35 Hooded towels (4)- $6-$30 each Wipes (a lot)- $4-$5 (pack) Clothes for first year- $500-$1,200

You’re 13. Slow down and live your life a little, while you don’t have these things to worry about. I’m 22 and while having a baby right now wouldn’t be too bad - It would cause a little strain for me and my hubby financially. We both REALLY want a baby (and his whole family keeps pestering us lol) but we’re waiting for the right time. Right now we just bought a new car and we are buying a house. When we get the house all in order and fixed up and HE finishes college and gets a good paying job, then it will be time to get preggers.

Answer #3

is that illegal?

Answer #4

You’re male, you’re thirteen, you had sex a year ago and you asked if it you were recently pregnant from it.

If you do have a baby in the near future, that’s the first sign of the world’s death.

Answer #5

woah your wayyy too young! you dont know what your are putting yourself upto! 13 noo your just a kid! you will waste your life away! wait untill you are atleast 18!! and besides it is pretty mean on the baby having such a young mum. the relationship wont be the same as what most mother-daughter relationships are. its silly giving birth at 13!!

Answer #6

lol you should just wait. i used to be like that too, i even lost my virginity at 13.

i dont regret loosing it, but i regret thinking i wanted a kid. i party now and its fun and when im done and i settle down then ill have a kid, trust me just wait lol

Answer #7

it is not illegal but if you wont to have a babbie and are willing to give up every thing school friends and hanging out when every you wont to i don’t but my sister was 13 and she got pregent and she regeast it so if you thank you are ready have it if not don’t it is all up to u o and think about all that

Answer #8

to xiigzag umm i diddnt no meh sex was male lol soz for any convence thanks to everyone hu has commented

Answer #9

wait until your married I dont care if you think your ready…truth is your not your only 13 you wouldn’t want to screw that up would you? Your supposed to wait until your married end of the line and if you have sex with some kid and do get pregnant he’s not going to take care of the baby you need to think this through and go look up some information online there’s no possible freakin way that you can have a baby and juggle with school there’s no way.

Answer #10

ur WAY 2 young , a kid can cost up to $ 9,000 or more u really need to think about this and you need to ask yourself these questions do i have money to raise a baby ? , will my parents support me ? , will i be able to go to school ? , will my parents kick me out ? , you need to live your life , you’ll throw your WHOLE life away , you’ll miss out on ALOT of things if you have a baby at 13 , i hope this helps you , take care and god bless you

Answer #11

This question just sounds like bait to me.

Answer #12

Yes, sweetie, you are way too young to have a baby and you have plenty of time. There’s so much ahead of you yet and you need to take care of yourself first before you take on the responsibilities of taking care of a helpless little baby. I have a feeling that someday you will probably be a very good mother, but for now, enjoy your youth. Best of luck to you.

Answer #13

i thought you would need to hear from a 13 yr old herself no you dont need a child we 13 yr olds are still just babies and you DO NOT NEED A BABY YET pleeease trust me on this one and dont get pregnant

Answer #14

wait 5 or 6 years girl

Answer #15

babies are not amazing when they keep you up all night, you have no social life, wear fashion from 2 years ago, can’t afford to get your hair cut, see all your mates going out and going on holidays when you have to sit at home as you have no money, watch your mates wearing the latest fashions with the latest hair styles, then you find out that no boy will date you cause you have a baby…can’t get a job cause you have no education and can’t get anyone to baby sit when the only job offer you get is working in a burger bar, the list is endless… they take up all your time and money…don’t do it, you’re only a child yourself… wait untill you’re older, have an education, a career, money in the bank, been there done it and enjoyed your younger years… meet the man of your dreams, settle down, be happy, buy a home, raise a family… trust me on this.

Answer #16

well I got pregnant when I was 16 and had my baby when I was 17 it was so awful the first week then it got a little better but shortly after I got pregnant again when I turned 18 the thing is I didnt even plan my pregnancys they just happened but I wish I would have waited alittle longer I have trubble going back to school cause I dont want to leave my kids alone I have to take them evrywhere I cant go to the movies or a pary I dont have time to get fixed upthey cry sometimes all night, its a hard job and its not cool to have you mom help you she had you shes your mom not your babys mom, your responsabillity or else the baby is going to think its their mom what im trying to say is wait, because its really hard and be ready to have a diffret body like sreach marks and spots your chest goes down you get fat and depessed so think about it.

Answer #17

im also 13 and I love kids but I no that it wud be stupid 2 have 1 of my own! try babysitting after a 3 year old for a day or two and you will realise how hard it is and if you have a kid you cant just give them to someone else when they are being naughty or when they are sick. its hard enough being a teenager as it is, you dont need a helpless baby too make it harder hun! give it a few years cus it will b more fun having a proper famly then living with your baby in your parents house. hope you make the right decision. xxx georgia

Answer #18

I justed turned 17 and came out positive. nothing scarier. trust me wait.

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