What's the point?

I’ve been through so much crap with guys. My dad’s never been there for me, when I was younger two teenage guys forced my and my (male) friend to do stuff, because they had a knife, another older guy forced me and my friend into his house, he did nothing sexual, just exposed himself, there was a police investigation into it. In yr 5 I had a support teacher who emotionally screwed me up and physically hit me. I had a boyfriend that I’ve said bout already he was older thn me and an alcoholic, I split wi him, and now I’ve just found out that my now-ex is’nt a virgin aside from seeing someone else. Is there any point of me trying to find someone at all?

Answer #1

my dad has not been there 4 me either. and its not easy. And I get that you may thing all guys are jerks…most are. but there are a few guys in this world who arent jerks. you just got to find that guy.

Im sorry for all thos bad things that happened to u. But you desire some one. So dont let anything that happened in the past get in your way of finding that one guy.

so, yes there is a point.

I hope you the best. fun mail me if you need anything else.

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