What's the name of this song?!

Ugh my nom has a song on this mix cd it’s by a guy it starts off slow and it’s pretty slow through out the song then of breaks into a guitar and the guy starts singing: ‘your all I want, your all I need, your everythiiing, everythiiing’ I can’t figure our who he is..he also says ‘how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you’ I THINK he also sings that sing that goes ‘it’s you and me and all of the people and idunno why I can’t keep my eyes off of you’..I THINK he sings that song..anyone no who I’m tlking about? =\

Answer #1

Ugh thank you so muchhh!!! :D the song is by them! Thanks a bunch

Answer #2

is it lifehouse???’ I know for sure the second song is by a band called lifehouse,,,not sure bout the first one

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