Whats the function of a lysome?

What is te function af a lysome? Why lysomes unigue to animal cells?..please answer in a way I can understand no hard words please..thanks

Answer #1

I think they’re..if you will..the cells clean-up crew. I think they get rid of the cells waste

Answer #2

Prokaryotes do not posses lysosomes. Plants rarely have lysosomes, and the enzymes used for digestion can be found in their vacuoles.

Answer #3

ya and why is it unique to animal cells?

Answer #4

The function of a lysome is to break down larger food particles and other materials inside the cell into smaller parts.

Answer #5

Do you mean lysosome?

Answer #6

they are a special type of vesicle that contain enzymes to break down worn out cell components and organelles which can then be recycled. They are also used by the immune system I think

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