What) question about braces?

  1. Does it hurt when they put them on??

  2. Does it hurt when they take them off??

  3. Can you eat everything that you can eat without braces??

  4. How long does it lasts

  5. What things can you eat with braces??

Answer #1

Btw I have never had braces I got this from 3 of my friends who have/had braces…

  1. Does it hurt when they put them on?? It doesn’t hurt when they get put on, but when they tighten them it hurts, like when they tighten it sometimes you can’t eat for like 3 days but sometimes it’s not as bad.

  2. Does it hurt when they take them off?? It hurts a bit, but not as much as it does when you put them on.

  3. Can you eat everything that you can eat without braces?? No, you can’t eat things like toffee, and your not allowed any gum that isn’t sugarfree, but loads of people still eat normal gum anyway.

  4. How long does it lasts? Normally it lasts like 1/2/3 years, but it could vary.

  5. What things can you eat with braces?? almost anything except those foods I have mentioned (chewy foods eg toffee and non-sugarfree gum)

Answer #2

and to add to that I am a scardy cat.. xD when it comes to dentist and doctors I have a phobia for them :P… so really if it would hurt slightly I would have never done it :D

Answer #3

well :P im 14 and I got my braces nearly a year ago :P ^^

  1. Does not hurt at all!!! all my friends were scarying me that it hurts a lot blah blah blah:P but it doesnt believe me ^^

  2. my horse riding friends said it doesn’t hurt taking then off :) im getting mine off in 2 weeks so I will tell u :D

  3. well you get used to it, you cant really eat chewing gum I mean you can but its annoying…

4.Ehmm matters wats wrong with the teeth I mean, my friends had them for only 6 months :O

  1. Nearly everything really xD at least I do :P and its all going good

:D and once you get them you really get used to them :P I dont wanna take them off anymore xD

Answer #4

I’ve never had to have them, but I was with my sister. she was in pain with the injection to get the teeth out to put on braces, but it wasn’t very bad when they were actually putting the braces on/off

you can eat normally with braces when you get used to them, at first theyre really uncomfortable and hard to eat with. after a while it just gets annoying with food getting stuck in them

depends with how bad your teeth are- normally 1-2 years good luck babe x

Answer #5

Heaven Answers “What) question about braces?”

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