What makes yu more likely to qet preqnant?

Me and my boyfriend are tryinq to have a baby. My period is very irreqular and always has been, I probably only qet it like 3 times a year if that. I want to know how to either make my period more reqular so my chances of conceivinq are larqer…or if there is a way to qet preqnant even if your period is irreqular. I hope somebody can help…

Xoxox, P.minaj

Answer #1

With a period that irregular you’re most likely going to need fertility drugs. No doctor in their right mind would prescribe them to someone under 18…

Answer #2

uh…how old are you??? why would you want to have a kid at your age, unless you’re crazy?? Yeah…that’s what I thought.

Answer #3

You are just 15. Grow up and have a life before you start thinking about having babies.


Answer #4

buy a fertility test they are rite near the pregnancy test and it tells you when you ovulate your eggs and the best days to try and concieve.

Answer #5

Not sure, but do you realize you are using “q” for “g”?

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