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its cute, and it actually gave my boyfriend a clue XD. wow you helped lildude15 and I XD thanks!
wait what kinda of girl is it your girlfriend
yeh I’ve seen most of that on myspace aswell
awww thats so sweet lol (but I see it on myspace all the time) XD
yeh but pretty much girls in general
(here read these I know it’s kinda long but >>>… trust da doctor(Dr. Love
Rules to keeping a girl.
When she walks away from you mad [Follow her]
When she stares at your mouth [Kiss her]
When she pushes or hits you [Grab her and don’t let go]
When she starts swearing at you [Kiss her and tell her, you love her]
When she’s quiet [Ask her what’s wrong] But don’t keep asking her ‘cause she will get annoyed
When she ignores you [Give her your attention]
When she pulls away [Pull her back]
When you see her at her worst [Tell her she’s beautiful]
When you see her start crying [Hold her and don’t say a word]
When you see her walking [Sneak up and hug her waist from behind]
When she’s scared [Protect her]
When she lays her head on your shoulder [Tilt her head up and kiss her]
When she takes your favorite hat [Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night]
When she teases you [Tease her back and make her laugh]by telling her she is da best thing that ever happened 2 u she is so dawm beautiful
When she doesn’t answer for a long time [Reassure her that everything is okay]
When she looks at you with doubt [Back yourself up] When she says that she likes you [She really does more than you could understand]
When she grabs your hands [Hold hers and play with her fingers]
When she bumps into you [Bump into her back and make her laugh]
When she tells you a secret [Keep it safe and untold]
When she look into your eyes [Don’t look away until she does]
When she misses you [She’s hurting inside]
When you break her heart [The pain, never really goes away]
When she say it’s over [She still wants you to be hers]
U’ll thank me
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