What Job do you have?

What job do you have? and what made you get into that job?

Answer #1

Since the economic downfall, the company I recently worked for closed. I had worked there for 6 years. I have since then enrolled in college and I’m going for Medical Assisting.

Answer #2

Well, since you asked and no one else seems to have answered yet:

I work as an editor for several research institutes (mainly in the social sciences), also translate and have done documentation work (writing, editing). Another career has been as a qualified teacher of English as a foreign language, mainly to adults.

And how I ended up in those jobs? I’d always loved English, both the literature and the language aspects, as well as languages in general. So that was what I studied at university, and ended up with degrees in English literature, German and linguistics… only no one had warned me that it would mean I’d end up either in research (basically either studying little-known aspects of well-known writers, or bigger aspects of deservedly little-known writers) - or teaching.

So I took a further qualification in teaching English as a foreign language.

At about the same time, I managed to get a job doing language-editing for an academic publishers, and I just kept on plugging.

Result ? I’ve managed to travel and work all over the world, and love my jobs!

Answer #3

As of now: I’m a stay at home mother. I decided to take some time off of work to spend time and care for my son because I’m scared to send him to daycares. My fiance has the means to support us, so I’m very lucky that I got this opportunity to watch him grow. Now that he is 7 months old, I’m thinking about going back to work though.

In the past:

Cake Decorater (3 years) - I got into it on accident really. I started working at a cookie shop in my home town and was drawing on napkins when I was bored, eventually they put me on decorating cookies, I loved it! After that I got a job at decorating cakes and wedding cakes. I really do miss this job and I plan on going back when I go back to work.

Strip Club (2 years) - I was working at the Door at first taking money and checking Id’s - easiest job ever. Then I started as a shot girl in the club, and after that I started Deejaying, and then about a year later I became the Night Manager over the club. I really do miss that place I had a blast!

Tattoo/Piercing Parlor - (2 years) - I got the job mainly because I was already in there so much and spending all my time in there hanging out with everyone. The counter girl quit and they gave me the job. I loved it. I wanted to become a piercing apprentice, but I left the job before I got the opportunity.

Answer #4

I work as a Weekend Community Manager of FunAdvice. What got me into it? I was around the site for a while as a regular member then got promoted to be advisor a few (I think) months later. In October the woman who was working as the Weekend Community Manager passed on the job and the admins offered it to me. I love it here so much and wouldn’t have it any other way.

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