what is the world coming to?

why are people so sensitive these days,eg.if someone has their opinion on how they feel about homsexual it’s a big deal? im black and if someone calls me that its fine I understand there are whites who hate blacks and there are blacks who hates whites but all I’m saying is why do the world like to defend sinfull acts and when others opposes it’s discrimination ?..people..another eg: there was a lady not 2 long ago was on the news talking bout she wants a law that a person cannot called her FAT in public, I mean whats the sense in that?

Answer #1

I think it’s more than people being sensitive.

You said why do people like to defend sinful acts. You have to realize that not everyone in the world is a Christian. Not everyone in the world believe in Sins. Homosexuality is something that people are born with - just like your skin color. It has been proven that there is a gene that causes a person to be homosexual and they are born with it. It’s not a choice - and it’s not something that someone should be hated for. Just as skin color.

It’s hard to not be sensitive when you are discriminated for what you are. You have to realize the struggles they gay, lesbian, bisexual community go through and are still not given their rights - like they are lesser people. It’s one thing to have your opinion, it’s another thing to try and force your views on someone and make them conform to your beliefs. Why can’t gay people get married when they don’t even believe in your god and your rules? Why are your rules affecting their lives - when it’s supposed to be seperation of church an state.

There are laws protecting blacks near my home. They passed a law saying that it’s illegal to hang a noose in your car, truck, outside your home, in public, etc. Although, people can run around with their anti-gay campaigns in public and show their hate and mean spiritedness. How is that fair? How is that equality?

Answer #2

I think the woman is just stupid, I know im not the skinnist person in the world, but if people wants to stoop that low and call me fat in public, then thats their immaturity, not mine. theres two sides to the other tho’. homosexuality has a right to be out so to say, but one cant disagree with it. its my right to disagree with it. its your choice that you are that way, so youll have to go through the battle of people disagreeing with you. and not to be rude, but thats what youre going to have to face by choosing that lifestyle. mandyloo, I hate to say this, but thats a bad example of a noose and homosexuality. noose is death, it can lead to death, NOBODY should be supporting death in anyway. not agreeing with sexuality isn going to kill anybody. a noose will or can. hey if gays can have a nude parade, then we can have a sign disagreeing with gays. id rather see people with signs, then a gay naked person, sorry but I have morals about myself, then wanting to support that.

Answer #3

It is bad. Just people fear what they do not know. I am Bi but ya know, I kind of have to act straight because of our society. They really should stop it.

Answer #4

People are born homosexual - there is scientific studies and proof that they are born with a certain gene that makes them homosexual. I’m not making things up - you can do some research and learn for yourself.

I would say that maybe YOU need to use your brain a little more.

Answer #5

There’s nothing wrong with consensual sex among adults, gay or otherwise. It’s obnoxious to wave ancient books around in public claiming some pretend magic man in the sky disapproves of the acts ancient ascetic cults just happened to disapprove of.

Answer #6

I know! It’s it awful! I hate to think about what it’ll be like when I actually have kids of my own… it’s kind of scary in a way.

Answer #7

“but thats what youre going to have to face by choosing that lifestyle”

No one chooses that lifestyle. You don’t have a choice in your sexuality the same way you don’t have a choice in your skin color. No one would choose to have less rights than others, beaten, harrassed, looked down upon, and even killed.

Also, it’s not a bad expample. The nooses were not being used, and they were not even life size nooses. They were nothing more than a symbol of the past and racism. It was wrong - but so it’s discriminating against someone for something they can’t help. It’s the same things - you can change your skin color - you can’t change your sexuality.

Answer #8

I just think every one needs to get over themselves and live. We forgot how to smile and say hello to a neighbor and that your kids could go out and play and eveyone in the neighborhood has a eye on them. Instead everyone started crying “oh what about me and what about the way I feel . We now live against eachother instead of for eachother, I don’t care what you are, what you believe in, but what happened to the good ol fashion wave, smile and hello, Bring this back and stop thinking the world revolves around you and we could all have some peace.

Answer #9

My Wife and I were just discussing homosexuality. We read your post together. I couldn’t agree more with you. Although everyone is not a christian, homosexualtiy is and will always be unnatural. Ideally, someone whose sexual preference is penetration in the anal cavity would not have such side effects as a bleeding butt hole. This and many other reasons is why homosexuality is unearthly. Not to mention STD’s. I also want to mention the point about discrimination; society has allowed homosexualities to gain positions of power to where they can scream discrimination if things don’t go their way. Racial discrimination is real, homosexuality is a lifestyle. It is impossible to discriminate a lifestyle.

Answer #10

I agree, it’s getting really hard, at least some places. Other places are more liberal and openminded, but it’s not always easy to pack up and move.

You know, I wonder if it isn’t connected with more and more people living squashed together in cities - it’s not natural for humans to be so crowded together, and just like many animals, they react to crowding in panicky ways. Increased ‘tetchiness’/ intolerance could be one of those ways…

In the meantime: SMILE and try to ignore it. Those people must be very unhappy, to react to others like that.

Answer #11

Sigh. The majority has always denied discrimination and tried to dismiss it as whining… Why do the oppressed protest? Because they’re oppressed… No one sits around wanting to complain… It’s just the bigots who self righteously claim their bigotry as justified (through religion or science or whatever) who complain about it… But eventually things change… people were no longer able to defend racism as religious, or scientific, or as a cultural superiority… and eventually all forms of discrimination will end…

Answer #12

homosexualtiy is and will always be unnatural.

unnatural…? then can you explain why it is documented in OTHER species of the Animal Kingdom?

would not have such side effects as a bleeding butt hole.

…such eloquence… vaginas bleed too, you know… AND strait people engage in anal intercourse also, you know…

Not to mention STD’s

Straight people have STDs too, you know…

It is impossible to discriminate a lifestyle.

…such ignorance…

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