What is the opposite of love?

I’m thinking it’s not hate, but I don’t know how to really describe it.

What do you think?

Answer #1

Opposite of love is…not love. Unloving. Doesn’t have to be hate. It could be anything that’s not love, maybe dislike, disagreeable Some people think the opposite is sadness or happiness, loneliness

Most just stick to hate because hate is obviously not love haha

Answer #2

There could be a lot of things that could mean the opposite of love.

Some people do think that the opposite of love is hate. But others think is happiness, simply because love can break your heart. So is all dependding on the pearson.

Answer #3

I guess hate would be the complete opposite, with apathy being neutral in the middle. But it depends what kind of love you are thinking of. If its like husband/wife love, then it could be loneliness or mourning. If its brother/sister love, it could be like a feeling of limbo, as if part of you is missing. If its friend love, it could be longing; or again, loneliness.

Answer #4

A complete lack of any feelings? So, APATHY, then if that’s the case. That sounds good to me. Haha

Answer #5

Total indifference. A complete lack of ANY feelings.

Answer #6

Hate or fear, maybe. Hate, I think.

Answer #7


Answer #8

probably hate

Answer #9


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