What is the most dumbest law?

What is the most dumbest law?

Answer #1

I think its in virgina, I cant remeber but anywho,

You can have sex with an animal that is over 40 lbs but if you are caught giving anal

or oral it is concidered rape?

sorry I think thats bull.

Answer #2

I believe its in Arizona, but one city has a law that you cannot let a Donkey stay in your bathtub overnight. Really? Is there much call for that…?

Answer #3

I think its north carolina, there is a law where that one day out of a year, I think a man and a women can go in front of the courthouse and teh man can beat his wife. or something like that. but I haven’t heard of neone doing it. I think I heard it from 1 of my HS teachers

Answer #4

The ‘stupidest’ law?

There are many to choose from, but one of my personal favourites is that here in Canada, in Quebec, if a business wants to put words in English on their signs, the words have to be half the size of the French words.

Answer #5

Ask ChaCha! haha I do it all the time text ‘DUM’ to 242-242, its like that KGB thing, but your answers are free.

Answer #6

sumwere in the usa its ileagal for a cow to moo after 7pm

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