What are the most accepted piercings?

What are the most accepted piercings? Other then ear piercings

Answer #1

This is coming living in Vegas so don’t critisize me haha :)

Lip pierciings, septum piercings, and the side of the nose is the most common and accepted piercing from where I lived.

Answer #2

uhhh ear piercing. If you’re worried about what other people think then you probably shouldnt be getting pierced anyway, I’ve had 12 piercings, none of them very accepted. If you want one, get it and fu** anyone who doesn’t like it.

Answer #3

ahaha same my mom doesnt want me to get any other piercings since I already have each ear pierced. but I really want to get my belly button pierced .. I will in a few years. xD I think the belly button is most acceptable besides ears , even though girls are called sluts for having theirs pierced - rolls eyes - it just depends on peoples opinions and what they want to do to themselves.

Answer #4

I would say nose, belly button, and tough peircings are the most acceptable. But it really is up to the person everone has there own opinions on peircings. Any place, other than the ones I mentioned above, I wouldn’t think are acceptable while others probably wouldn’t even care. ~Alanna

Answer #5

I think that other than ears, belly button piercings are the most acceptable. I know quite a few people who have there belly button peirced. Nose piercings, in my opinion, make people look stand-offish and not approachable. They have a weird, scary stigma attached to them and they tend to look trashy.

Answer #6

well the most acceptable would be ears i guess but besides that i wud think mayby the populer tounge ring

Answer #7

to me the order is..ears-nose-belly button.

to me others are pointless..unless u make out alot..then get a tongue piercing..i’ve heard it turns guys on. who knows lol.

ps. i think that 4 or less holes in your ears is enuf tho.

Answer #8

hmm the most acccepted piercings…well i think that a nose stud is accpetable and ummm hmm well it all really depends on what kinda exceptable your takling about, but i think all piercings are acceptable..

Answer #9

some like cough my mom cough think tht anything other than ears is bad but most people generally accept nose and belly button the most. (oh and second ear peirceings)

Answer #10

if you want something different but still acceptable you should get a a ear piercing in a uncommon spot … like the top or the tragus

Answer #11

Like juat the general public like they will look at it and not think much of it

Answer #12

does that would fit you.. because every piercing is acceptable,,

Answer #13

Other than ear piercings I’d have to say gettin your nose pierced is the most acceptable…that’s the only reason why my own mum let me get my nose pierced lol

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