What is it about our election ?

What do you think it is about our elections that have Terrorists leaders and the Iranian leader jumping for joy…..literally (from news reports from the middle-east) ?

Answer #1

http://www.kuwaittimes.net/Navariednews.asp?dismode=article&artid=1554297695 It seems that the resignation of our own Donald Rumsfeld that has the middle east “jumping for joy”. Whether the election results caused him to retire is kind of a strange jump in logic to blame the American voters. The people of our country really need to remember that our government feeds us spun truths from both sides. They do this for power, not moral fortitude. Just because they stand on the shoulders of the righteous does not mean they are also righteous by default. We need to find better people to vote for. Not people that are part of an elite club that is too easily swayed by money and power.

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