Answer #1

Classical conditioning: a type of learning in which a neutral stimulus is presented repeatedly with one that reflexively elicits a particular response so the neutral stimulus eventually elicits the response itself CS – conditioned stimulus (e.g., sound like ring of bell) UCS – unconditioned stimulus (e.g., food) UCR – unconditioned response (e.g., salivation) CR – conditioned response (salivation when CS is presented alone)

Process: CS (ring of a bell) is presented just before UCS (food) The UCR (salivation) occurs at the sight of the UCS (food) CS (sound) presented with UCS (food), produces UCR (salivation) Eventually, CS (sound) when presented alone produces CR (salivation)

Answer #2

Wow, 5 years. Better late then never! :D Lol

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