Answer #1

IQ = Intelligence Quotient.

Answer #2

its an ittelegence quotient, for example an IQ test is when someone test you for along time with things like puzzles, and memorizing things, to see how your intellegence is, this is good to have it as hiiigh as possible, mine is 176 I think thats good.

Answer #3

IQ is what you don’t have. Ha just messing around with you. Iq I intelligence quotient. Average is 100 give or take a few points. Mine just happens to be 163 on the Mensa standard

Answer #4

IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is more or less how smart you are. There are several different test methods to obtain an IQ score. Although the IQ test always has been and still is very flawed, it was targeted to white middle class people. And to the people who in this question have claimed IQ’s of 176 and 163, I doubt it, not by the spelling mistakes I see.

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