What if my boyfriend's best friend loves me?

okay I was walking to seminary (a class for mormans that tells you more about stuff in the the the bible and book of morman) well my bfs friend locked me out of the building. Well after two minutes he opened the door and said sorry thought it was funny and I love you! all I could say was I love you too! well he walked to the highschool while blushing and I was blushing really bad too! all I want to know is does he like me or was it a fluke cause I really like him.

Answer #1

ok.. so letz contemplate here.. if you like your boyfriends best friend, then why are you with your boyfriend, so your basically playing em off FALSE emotions? OK? well umm no. so go ahead and pick.. and there’s a possibility your boyfriend’s best friend could be playing around…

Answer #2

no, I say I love you to my friends all the time, it doesn’t mean I want to be in a relationship with them. and you shouldn’t be going out with someone if you actually like his best friend.

Answer #3

He was doing a power trip that guys do and you feel for it. go to college and wait for a man. Make something of yourself and your kids = college.

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