What happens if a vampire bites werewolf?

So what would happen

Answer #1

Traditionally (a.k.a. NOT in the Twilight universe) a vampire would NEVER bite a werewolf. Reason #1 – They HATE them and would instead prefer killing them with silver stabbing weapons: swords, spears, arrows, etc. Reason #2 – Lycan blood is repulsive to a vampire; they wouldn’t bite them because it’d taste nasty.

Answer #2

If you are talking about twilight, the werewolf would die. Vampire venom is very poisonouis to werewolves (in twilight the book).

Answer #3

…yeah… like I said… TRADITIONALLY…

Answer #4

In twilight the werewolf would die .. Vampire venom is poisonous to werewolfs


Answer #5

ever watched underworld 1

Answer #6

in make believe land anything can happen,

Answer #7

Van Helsing might know the answer 2 that one…

Answer #8

The werewolf would either cahnge completly vampire or just half, depending on their strength.

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