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Traditionally (a.k.a. NOT in the Twilight universe) a vampire would NEVER bite a werewolf. Reason #1 – They HATE them and would instead prefer killing them with silver stabbing weapons: swords, spears, arrows, etc. Reason #2 – Lycan blood is repulsive to a vampire; they wouldn’t bite them because it’d taste nasty.
If you are talking about twilight, the werewolf would die. Vampire venom is very poisonouis to werewolves (in twilight the book).
…yeah… like I said… TRADITIONALLY…
In twilight the werewolf would die .. Vampire venom is poisonous to werewolfs
ever watched underworld 1
in make believe land anything can happen,
Van Helsing might know the answer 2 that one…
The werewolf would either cahnge completly vampire or just half, depending on their strength.
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Do you think that you could have been born a vampire? - 5 Answers
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Rose Hathaway from Vampire Academy do i look like one ? - 1 Answers
http://i053.radikal.ru/1301/f9/ba1c8bba82e3.jpg http://s001.radikal.ru/i194/1301/ab/a14093deab72.jpg
Vampires or Werewolves - 12 Answers
Which is better Vampires or Werewolves
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