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What era/scene/age is party in the usa video?
I’m not really into Miley Cyrus but her video to Party in the USA really intrigues me, I love the way it all looks. does anyone know exactly what you would call that type of picture/scene/video/look/era? because I want more pics and stuff of that sort of stuff. thanks.
Never seen that video. Good-god-damn that’s a terrible song.
I got to 51 seconds before I couldn’t take it anymore. Someone top THAT!
I’ve just watched 36 seconds of it and got bored and turned it off
by the looks of the cars id say set in the 70s/80s ish :s
should I go to club cocos or go to a block party? - 1 Answers
should I go to club cocos or go to a block party??
We went dancing across the usa - 1 Answers
Who sings/sang we went dancing across the usa?
Trey Guidotti Music Video - 1 Answers
What music video was Trey Guidotti in?
what are some good birthday party games? - 1 Answers
what are some good birthday party games and how do you play them
my 15th burthday party? - 1 Answers
whot shoud I do for my 15th burthday party
Party line - 1 Answers
Does any body know the party line number
14th b-day party? - 2 Answers
where are some cool places where I can have my 14th b-day party for about15 people???
Ideas on a 18th Birthday Party - 1 Answers
I want to know your opinions on what to do for my 18th Birthday Party, I have to idea what to do, and I want to do something ...
At what age did Charles Dickens start working in a boot-black - 1 Answers
At what age did Charles Dickens start working in a boot-blacking factory?
Im Having A B-day Party - 1 Answers
Im having a b-day party in november and I dont know what party favors I should give.
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