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What does R.S.V.P mean?
what does it mean..I got this invitation for a costume party && it said that..
it means you have to reply and ell them whether you’re going or not. It’s from french “Répondez s’il vous plaît” which basically means “respond please”. Hope that helps.
Reservations Please
It’s means call and tell them if you are coming or not, dont’ just show up.
judge nudge mean?? - 1 Answers
what does "judge nudge" you mean??
What does bubbly mean :p ? - 1 Answers
What does it mean when someone says you look/seem bubbly??:)
R&R?... - 2 Answers
What does a lil' R&R mean?...I've hear it a few times before and I've wondered lol
:P means what? - 5 Answers
I get a lot of email answers with :P . What does :P mean?
What Does TY Mean? - 2 Answers
What Does TY Mean? XxXx
What does it mean when someone says your first - 1 Answers
What does it mean when someone says your first on the bad list, and you're last on mine
what does it mean when someone says I gave him the means to the end - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says I gave him the means to the ends?
what does it mean when somebody says that they're guilty as charged - 1 Answers
what does it mean when somebody says that they're guilty as charged?
what does wain mean - 1 Answers
what does wain mean I don't know
What does o d k mean? - 4 Answers
What does it freakin' mean!!
R. S. Radford
Appellate Practice, Business Law, Civil Rights
R. S. Radford
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David R. Price Jr., P.A.
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Pollack Tsimerman LLP
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