What does perfect mean to u???

Just the word ‘perfect’…like what does it mean??? Like when people say “wow could you get more perfect” when they see that really really cute picture of you on a social site or what ever because I mean its not like you can be truly perfect or when they say “that tomato you picked was perfect!” are they saying that there could not be a more perfect tomato in the history of tomatos then the one you picked??? Ahhh it confusing hahaha and its bugging me so could someone perfect explain it to me alittle better lol that would be great thanks!!!

Answer #1

When I hear or use the word perfect, I think no flaws. Something that doesn’t need to be improved because it’s the best it can be. Of course, a lot of people say that there is nothing perfect in this world. That there’s always something that could be changed or made better.

Using your example with the tomato; of course there are good tomatoes out there, but does that mean that one tomato is perfect? Not necessarily. Who says it couldn’t be bigger? Or jucier? It comes down to opinion on a lot of things.

When it comes to talking about perfect people, I don’t believe there is such a thing. There is NO perfect human out there. BUT! That’s going by the definiton of perfect. Lets say there’s a girl who reeeally likes this guy; she thinks he’s cute, smart, funny, or whatever it is she looks for in a guy. If she calls him perfect, she probably means that he would be perfect for her, that he’s someone she sees as the most fitting for her, or, getting a little extreme, maybe she believes he’s the best guy she’s ever met. It all comes down to each persons definition I suppoose.

That’s just my opinion though. (:

Answer #2

When someone is using perfect to describe someone or something, it’s basically saying that they got a good impression of whatever it is they thought was perfect. They don’t literally mean that it’s perfect, just that they think that’s what best suits them. If someone refers to you as perfect, then they probably mean that you’re the best for them. Perfection is based on the eye of the beholder, that’s why I feel a lot of people say perfection doesn’t exist. It doesn’t exist for a general population because so many people love so many different things. When you refer to something as perfect, you’re basically saying that whatever it is you see is something that best meets your preferences. Like that cute guy down the street you could possibly call perfect. He meets your needs on a physical standard.

Thats what I feel when I hear the word perfect :)

Answer #3

Perfection, I don’t think it exists in people. But I do believe it exists in beauty, like of landscape or art. But perfection is due to opinion, I might think something is perfect, and someone could disagree with me.

Sometimes I ponder whether perfection really exists but I find it in nature.

Answer #4

perfect. I think it means like when some one is the best fit for you. its in the eye of the beholder. one person could say your the worst person ever but another could say your perfect. its aboutwat that person likess

Answer #5

You know from my perspective, most people believe that perfection is a lot of things. Having the perfect life, the perfect family, money and more. Others believe it’s if you find a good boyfriend and are happy together, but honestly perfection is just a mere figment of our imagination. So many people focus their lives on being perfect or perfectionists but the truth is whats there to be perfect about? No one is, nothing is, everyone makes mistakes. Which is a good thing, because if you think about it, if our world was “perfect” our world would be so dull and boring and there’d be no excitement whatsoever!

Answer #6

Perfect is different in everyone’s mind.

Answer #7

When someone is perfect then that means they are unperfect.

Answer #8

I guess to me perfect means something with no flaws… which is impossible.

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