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ok…ThankZ queen77..U where helpful!!! lol
No clue xD
judge nudge mean?? - 1 Answers
what does "judge nudge" you mean??
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What Does TY Mean? XxXx
what does it mean when someone says I gave him the means to the end - 1 Answers
what does it mean when someone says I gave him the means to the ends?
what does it mean when somebody says that they're guilty as charged - 1 Answers
what does it mean when somebody says that they're guilty as charged?
what does wain mean - 1 Answers
what does wain mean I don't know
What does o d k mean? - 4 Answers
What does it freakin' mean!!
What is hobae mean? - 1 Answers
What hobae is mean in korean?
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What does emulate mean?
Whats this mean? - 1 Answers
What does 'Crem dela Crem' mean?
What does it mean if you rep someone? - 1 Answers
What does it mean if you rep someone? Just wondering..
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