What do you think of this baby name?

I dont know if imma have a boy or girl yet… But for the boy I have: Hugh Brett Wright For the girl I have: Jaylie Ann Wright What do you think of these names? What are some good names…for boys or girls.

Answer #1

those are good names. I’ve personally always liked the name josie for a girl.

Answer #2

#1 emily is a good name hugh is not brett hugh good hugh brett bad kevin micheal etc. boys are not into exoticic of fun names like girls are you might as well name him purple elephant because hugh would hate you when he got old enogh to notice hhow bad it is

Answer #3

Girls names can be Anne, Jan, Charlotte, Mary, Rhonda, Lea, Courtney, Genevieve, Sarah, Sara, Maire, Tina, Jenna, Emma, Stephanie, Susan, Gina, Marissa, Clara, Tanya, Rita, Alexandria, Alexandra, or Abigail. Congradulations.

Answer #4

Baby names are hard because you want it to be original but you don’t want your chlid getting teased for having a wierd name. I always liked Girl- Abbey, Emma, Carrie. Sarah, Bethany, Charlotte, Victoria, Elizabeth, Phoebe, Harriet, Sain, Leah and Rhiannan. Boy-Leo, Liam, Alex, Danny, Darren, Joe, Isac and Harry Also a good idea is if you are wanting a middle name, name it after someone who is close to you. They almost always love it. Lol. CONGRATULATIONS!!! sorry that its so long

Answer #5

I always liked Vanessa,Rebecca,Venetia for girls

Answer #6

My oldest daughter is actually named after me, my mom, and my husband. We took our middle names, and put them together. My mom’s middle name is Kay, mine is LeAnne, and my husband’s is Ray. Her name is Kaylee RayAnne. Our youngest daughter’s name is Emily Patience. So really this is completely up to you. I stressed about it for a while during my pregnancy with our oldest daughter, and I asked everyone’s advice, but then, I was finally like “Okay, enough already, here’s what we are naming her” With our youngest daughter, we had already decided on Emily for her first name, but no middle name. Then one day I was cleaning and my water broke, we live about an hour away from the hospital that she was being delivered at, so on the drive there, I looked at my husband and said, “so what are we going to name her?!? I know I want Emily as her first name, but what about the middle name?!?” And he looked at me and said “How about Patience” So, you will decide on a perfect name, it may take a little time, but in the end it’s your decision. (By the way, when I was younger and lived in another part of Tennessee, I had a friend who was named Patience, and I had mentioned her to my husband before, lol, so we didn’t just grab a word and throw it in there)

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