What do you think of plastic surgury and why?

What do you think on plastic surgury and why?

Answer #1

I see nothing wrong with plastic surgery, but then again it’s just like tattoos.. you’ll never have just one done. lol anyways, I think it’s wonderful if you do it for YOURSELF and if it makes YOU happy, forget everyone else. Also plastic surgery has been used to save lives and correct physical deformations, I think it’s wonderful. And no, I have nothing done.

Answer #2

I dont have a problem with it some people have problems with there bodys that some diet and excersie wont help and other things that the way to change is to get plastic surgery…

Answer #3

I think iits sad when really skinny or pretty or whatver girls do it as theyre putting themsleves through unnecasary pain because theyre fine anyway. Although if there are like really large people or yano really bad in whatever way and surgery would really increase there quality of life then I think good luck go with them

Answer #4

I dont see anything wrong with it - it’s their bodies they can do what they want. I dont see anything wrong with boosting your confidence and looking how you want to look. I wouldn’t change my body right now - but whenver I get to 40-50 and things start sagging and stuff I would glady get some work done.

Answer #5

same I agree I want plastic surgery when im older I duno why sum people have issues with it

Answer #6

while people are born to turn out however way they do turn out in a world full of criticism and jugmental people plastic surgery is needed by some poeple especially since it boots confidence, or fixes up a deformity, ect but just like anything, people can take it too far and end up getting multiple things they dont need like too much fat taken out, too big boobs, multple face surgeries, all in an attempt to look younger or more beautiful when in fact it makes them look horrible and makes there skin look like plastic a lot of people who have had it, dont need it but some people do, because it benifits there life

Answer #7

I don’t mind it, HOWEVER, I think it makes a lot of younger girls self esteem drop. They look at people in magizanes and modeling and try to look like that. Most of it is fake. I would like to age normal. I think this is the best way to age, live healthy, be happy, eat right, If a accident caused you do be disfigured then by all means I would want you to look normal because we as a socitey can be really stupid and mean about people that are different. But just to do it for looks and because you are not comfortable in your own skin then NO. I think it is just crap.

Answer #8

Well, I my personal views are that I think it should be banned, if you want a boob job to make you look pretty thats bullcrapp but if you’ve been bulied for having no boobs and you think that having it done will boost your confidence then im all for it. && Same with nose jobs. Like say you want it done for the hell of it then tbh its a waste of money, but like if you’ve got a really awful nose and the only thing to make you happy is have a nose job then I think thats finee. :)

Answer #9

Great if necessary or a little ‘tune-up’ - bad if it gets addictive.

Answer #10

I think its people personal choice whether they decide to have plastic surgery or not. I don’t like it when people look like Dolly parton particularly and I don’t think I’ll ever get plastic surgery. :-)

Answer #11

…for once I actually agree with amblessed(wow, not something I expected to say any time soon).

If someone gets into a server car crash & wants it done to restore some of their features, or people born with certain things(like that one woman who had a dieses that started eating her face, she needed a new nose) that might wind up having to be fixed for the better of the person’s health & abilities. If it’s needed it can be a good thing. Now people who just want it do to low self esteem, eh. Maybe if they want a smaller nose or something like that. But people gettinf it for bigger breast it’s kind of ridicules(maybe if they’re saggy & they want them to perk ‘em up after loosing a lot of weight or something like that), but hey. Someone who gets addicted to it & goes in for a complete remake of themselves just for the hell of it, they need therapy. My use to watch the show Plastic (it was about that stuff) mostly every one who went in was very pretty, but wanted plastic do to low self esteem. There was one chick who had plastic done so many times on her breast they didn’t look real no matter how big or small they were. Hardly ever did I see an episode in which someone needed the plastic do to an accident or who had an actual deformality.

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