What do you think about valentines day?

What do you think about valentines day?

Answer #1

Nice to set aside a day to Honor and show that Special Someone how much you Love and Care for them - we should strive to do this everyday ! :-)

Answer #2

Well personally valentines day semms like a day aguy made up because he forgor her birthday or an anniversary or something because I don’t want a guy to give me flowers just because its valentines day I’d rather have him give me flowers just because he feels like it not cause its a holiday but if you enjoy valentines day I guess that’s all up to you =]

Answer #3

I think we should be able to show love whenever we feel it. Valentines day is a scam of a holiday for candy and card companies to make money

Answer #4

not a big deal to me. me and my boyfriend just sat at home and played with my nieces and nephews. He got me flowers, which was nice. but it’s not a big deal to me because I show him how I feel about him everyday.

Answer #5

candy :-) and love!

you can ask someone out that day, but it would hurt to get rejected on Valentine’s Day, huh ?

Answer #6

A special day for couples. A lonely day for singles. But anyway, everyday can be a valentine’s day. =D

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