what do you think abouit people that are bi, gay or lesbos?

what do you think abouit people that are bi, gay or lesbos?

Answer #1

first of all most “lesbos” as you put it don’t like being called lesbo’s, so you shouldn’t use that term…thanks, also, lebians, gays and bi’s are who they are, just like you and me!

Answer #2

I think of them as I would any other human. they didnt choose it, they were born that way from what I think.

and whoever does have a problem with them then they must have a lot of insecurities.

I dont get why everyone isnt just accepted into society.?

Answer #3

I’m cool with my gay guy friends, they are fun, but I’ll just say what my friend tells me “being bi is stupid” why? “because it’s not the flu!” you can’t like both, you’re either gay or not! and it does make sense to me

Answer #4

Nothing. They’re regular people just like you and me and everyone else. They’re ok in my book just like everyone else. People that have problems with it need to grow up and get a reality check.

Answer #5

I generally think that people who call lesbians lesbos are ignorant…Oh what do I think about LGB people. Well I think that they are probably more likely to be open-minded an accepting of people who have something different about them and are more likely to have experienced some discrimination in their life.

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