what do you think??

what in detail do you think about abortion??

Answer #1


I think that abortion is a great option when there are no other options left… If someone is going to have multiples, and aborting one or two will ensure the survival of the others. If you’re a child or teenager or homeless and can’t take care of a kid If you’re unfit to be a parent If you are in danger of your own life If there are complications or major deformations.

Abortion is a smart choice for many people. Of course you should consider greatly the consequences of aborting a baby. Which include eternal regret, sometimes there are complications during abortions. sometimes the baby still lives after an abortion.

Yes, it’s murder, but it’s a legal murder. And it’s not like the kid lived his life and was doing great things. We’re causing a whole lot of uproar for the things that the kid might do in the future… well what if he grew up with an unfit mother and became a meth dealer and blew up an orphanage in a meth lab accident? sure he may cure cancer or become president… but seriously… what are the odds of that… there’s only one position for president.

Answer #2

There is no such thing as “legal murder” Murder is a legal term for a specific crime.

As I see it the abortion question comes down to balancing the rights of the zygote//embryo/fetus and the mother. Who is to say that society has the right to force a woman to serve as a human incubator for 9 months for a child she does not want?

As I see it the supreme court did a good job with this issue when it divided the term of pregnancy in 3. The 1st trimester the embryo is not by any meaningful definition a person yet. It has the potential to become a person but it isnt’ there yet. In the 1st trimester the rights of the mother are paramount. In the 2nd trimester there is more development so the rights of the mother should be balanced with the rights of the fetus. There should be some valid reason for an abortion. The 3rd trimester the fetus becomes viable outside the mother’s womb so abortion should only be used when heroic means are necessary to protect the life, health, or future fertility of the mother.

Answer #3

I was only taking extremes an an example…

I’m not trying to go out and tell every teenager to get an abortion… there are lots of other paths to take such as adoption.. but the question was what do I think about abortion, and that’s what I think .

just because you believe it is wrong doesn’t make it wrong for everyone.

did you know that in japan, they treat abortions like miscarriages? they hold funerals for them, and visit the grave sites every year. it’s a widely accepted concept in lots of other countries.

what about my other examples? what if you are half way through a pregnancy, and something happens, and you have to get one or else you are both going to die?

I have a lot of mixed feelings about abortions because I have seen it from both sides.

what do our standards of education have to do with abortions? I’m pretty ticked at the way the government funds certain projects… ie “no child left behind” that was a pretty lame project.

Answer #4

I agree with modestalchemist. I am pro choice and I believe simply that. A woman should have the choice. It’s not an option many women would consider, but that doesn’t mean it should be illegal. I would encourage someone thinking about abortion to weigh every other option, but in the end, it’s their life and their body and it’s their choice.

Answer #5

I think it is wrong to have an abortion because you are young because an older person did what you did and wouldn’t abort it. so just because their parents are young it is unfair to the baby to kill it.

Answer #6

The point is, what gives us the right to judge who lives and dies? The same argument could apply to children who perform badly in school.

Answer #7

All the detail needed: Abortion takes a Life - very sadly, done largely these days for ‘convienence’.

Answer #8

So you think that we should kill children because of unfit mothers? You are taking two extremes here, one you have a president as though that is the best job in the world (hardly). The other you claim that he will blow up an orphanage. You know there are other jobs between meth dealers and presidents that are good jobs. There is always the option of life, its not like the government is going to force you to take him/her when you dont want to. I believe that anyone who wants an abortion should be forced to watch one that was performed. Tell me how a liberal can allow a murderer to live and an innocent baby to suffer a painful death? Or how liberals are willing to fund some of the dumbest people and allow children’s schools to suffer. Are you aware of how low our standards of education dropped?

Answer #9


Answer #10

sad,cruel and unfair…

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