What do you guys think about the violence in video games?

How do you all feel about the debate about violence in video games? What about sexuality? I think that a lot of unnecessary sex stuff could be left out of games that market to children, but the violence should be okay as long as the kids are taught that it’s not real. What do you think?

Answer #1

I think, they should put whatever they want in video games, people are given plenty of warnings about what’s in them. If their parents let them play violent video games, go at it as long as they’re told that violence isn’t OK and that you shouldn’t do what you see, it shouldn’t be much of a problem.

Answer #2

Parents should know what their children are buying, and be able to aprove before their kids buy. Plus nowadays you have to have an adult with you in order to purchase those sort of games.

Answer #3

well all I have to say is: m rated games are like r-rated movies, THEY are FOR ADULTS! parents should stop blaming others for their bad mistakes its ridiculous if you arent pleased with something on tv.change the channel if your kid is seeing things they shouldnt on something media related dont allow them to be exposed to those things parents need to take control

Answer #4

people really couldnt get rid of it.it was tried by the goverment in the 90”s but it violated freedom of the press.I agree its not nescersarry.I think they should put it in the games but have the ability to turn it off along with a password.

Answer #5

Well I’m 14 and I LOVE video games!! Especially ones with lots of violence. I don’t like violence in real life but it’s a lot of fun in games. And I don’t know why but for some reason if I’m trying to decide between two games I’ll usually go for the more violent sexual ones. There jsut a lot more entertaining. Video games have never really affected my life too much but I do see the concern. My little brother is always going around quoting things from movies and games and saying things like “Well I saw them do it this games so it must be ok.” Well I just don’t even know…

Answer #6

I totally agree with u. No one buys games just for the sex or language in it anyways so why not just take it off. I really wanted grand theft auto san andreas, but because of all the language, drugs, and sexual scences I wasn’t allowed to get it. had the left it off i would have gotten the game and everyone would be happy.

Answer #7

I think it’s partly an education! Call me crazy, but if they don’t get introduced to it early, they’ll be shocked when they see it in the future! (NO SAN ANDREAS)

Answer #8

I am a game maker I dont make games like that but there is nothing wrong with those games because they are being marketed for muture adults just how movies are. And yes some violent games seem marketed for our childeren but it is know different when star wars 3 or pirates of the caribban intended for small childeren but made for 13 and up. alot of times the sex is just part of the storyline or to make the game as muture aspossible because for some reason they make a better game rating on how good the game is(which by the way is bad for my business because i need to make a good game but i dont put alot of violents or any sex in my games).

Answer #9

Games with violence and sexuality are marked mature for adults, but kids and teens like me just decide to play it.

Answer #10

I have no feeling in it if u want sum real violence play grand theft auto san andreas

Answer #11


I think it’s up to the parents to make sure that kids aren’t playing games to violent for their age range, and also to help their kids distinguish between reality and fantasy. The games shouldn’t be held responsible for parents’ lack of educating their kids.

Answer #12

sexuality bu-bye ,vilolence is ok because the kids KNOW its not real.

Answer #13

I hate video games, I’d rather be outside than stuck in the dang house. The violence is a bad influence on people and should be done away with. I wish they would do away with video games.

Answer #14

oh for gods sakes just because one person ends up a psycho doesnt mean everyone would. people are psychologically more complex than that different people react in different ways some may be triggered off but something mundane others not as long as parents guide properly there isn’t much else you can do. and who says morals even exist? try thinking about meta-ethics etc. you can’t predict or control what people become and you shouldnt judge them morally either. busy yourself by making sure you turn out ok…

sorry bout that I just got riled its not your fault but someone has to stick up for the gaming companies

Answer #15

I think violence is okay to be in video games, but the problem is that parents disregard the labels and let their children play games that are rated specifically for Teens or Mature players. Parents just don’t pay enough attention to the games their kids are buying/playing. If parents do know that their kids are playing violent games, parents need to make sure that the kid knows that violence is NOT okay, even if it’s in their video game. I agree with you that a lot of the sexual stuff could be taken out, it isn’t needed in the video games and it doesn’t make them any better.

Answer #16

I do know the laws on that are tougher gamestop is now a pawn shop and everything you perchase from games to game parts you need driver lisense or state id im a man and don’t have a problem with violence in it nor sexuality I think they need more but I wouldn’t let a kid play a certain game unless their in the age range of the game like for example I wouldn’t let a kid play a teen rated game unless their at least 13 because that’s the cut-off age for the game

Answer #17

I know I’m not REALLY, answering the question at hand but Jimquistion did an episode on this and I thought it answers this question very well.

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