What do you do when your hearts in a million peices

And the only one who can put it back together is the one who broke it ? When you love some one I mean truly love some one should it really matter weather or not you can see that person ? I am in love with my friends we r / where I don’t know going to be together in 7 months but now hes dating some one and he says he loves me but does he ?and yes I mean in love

Answer #1

I have no life and I only want him I don’t want to be with any one else I can’t even look at a guy

Answer #2

He’s playing you. If he truly was “in love” with you, there’s no reason for him to see another girl. period.

You need to concentrate on his behavior, NOT his worthless words. When a persons words and actions don’t coincide, the actions are what they truly want. Behavior is truth. Thats why they say> ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS!

How can anyone, and why would anyone hang onto what a guy says, when he is showing something TOTALLY different? This is how SO many girls get hurt! If you can’t be together right now, he shouldnt be holding you back by words that have no truth behind them… You should be free to experience other relationships. If it’s meant to be, then eventually you’ll find your way back together. But for the time being you should be living your own life…not waiting for someone who may never want to be with you!

Answer #3

huh.?your question wasn’t clear..but..I’ll try to give you an advice. .hmm…he said that he loves you but he was in dating other woman.? well how come he’s dating other girl after he said to you that he loves you..that guy was a little playful huh..;) well..it doesn’t matter if you are seeing him…just be yourself…if you think him night and day..that’s a sign that you are in love with the guy..:) but..the only problem is..is he in love to with yah..even though he told you that he loves you.??

well maybe you have to tell him what you really feel and try to ask him about his feeling for you.:)


Answer #4

ok this is it we are friends and I am in love with him he says hes in love with me but then he goes and dates some girl and he knows how I feel about him we know what both feel very well

Answer #5

Then you are only hurting yourself. You already had a relationship prior to this guy, and you survived that breakup. You WILL survive this situation as well, but you cant waste your life sitting around waiting for someone who may never come to you. If you really loved him, then you would go on with your life, and be happy for him. If things are meant to be you will be together in the end, but you have NO control over the future. You can beg, pour out your feelings, and chase him to the ends of the earth, but its only making you look desperate, and its just not worth losing your dignity over. The feelings you are feeling, or only one-sided. Hes showing you by dating another girl exactly how he truly feels about you.

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