What do you do for a good stess relief

What do you do for a good stess relief

Answer #1

drink haha…or smoke!! I know its bad but…thats what I do

Answer #2

bring my ipod into the tub filled with bubbles and warm water! and sometimes I grab ice cream! :D if not… I cry my eyes out on my boyfriend’s shoulder, while he holds me tightly in his arms! (:

Answer #3

Hahahaha lmao noo you can’t come reece rofl :D its mi special time I can’t b distracted hahaha And tew Colethky hahahaha that’s a good one ;D

Answer #4

Tew relieve stress I take freezing cold showers..I just stand there and let the cold water wash away mii stress…

Answer #5

What I do for stress relief, read my church scriptures, read a book I can choose from my colection, listen to music whether it’d be church hymns, or any other kind, talk to a friend about what bothers me, and sleep. There are many other ways I relieve stress. When I get too stressed out, I also like to drink the Arizona Ice tea that’s herbal. That helps to get rid of certain syntoms of stress.

Answer #6

a hot bath

Answer #7

Go some where quiet and just listen to nature…like the beach, etc.

Answer #8

Find my husband and lock ourselves in our bedroom.

Answer #9

Get my adrenalin flowing, Work out or go for a run. Then you can always find a good friend to talk to.

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