What do you think?

What do you think if girls lost their emotions and started to react …mmm lets say more tough?

Answer #1

I dont think that would work well, guys like being the strong no-emotions characters in a relationship, and depend on women to be “weaker and needier” so we feel strong and like we are protecting them, its just our natural instinct to protect and provide.

but if girls tore up the rule book, so to speak, I guess we would be lost, we wouldnt have our part to play.

it is important for both sexes to be strong and independent at times, but it is also important to be able to show your emotions. I just think guys are less inclined to show their emotions as much as girls are

Answer #2

its ok for a woman to be tough, just make sure when it comes to your partner, you are not trying to reverse roles, this will ultimately dissapoint you

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