What do I have to do to move out?

I am 14 and I live with my mom and nagging dad. I really dont want to live with my parents anymore. But what do I have to do to get out of the house or what do I have to do to go to a courtroom?

Answer #1

Growing up is very difficult—for both you and your parents. They remember a little bundle of joy that they held and nurtured as a baby and now they see a budding adult. These days, children face things and know about things that their parents would never have imagined at the same age. The teenagers of today look older, act older and want to be older than their counterparts did just 20 years ago. It is the desire of all parents for their children grow up in the way that they should go (loving, caring, respectful, and being of good solid character). It is necessary that you truly understand that your parents have your best interests at heart. They will withhold privileges, set limits, and raise you to the best of their ability (neither they nor you are perfect), but be Thankful - They Care - many, many, many don’t. Ask them for guidance and seek to understand what truly motivates their decisions. One of the best ways to prove your maturity and prove that you are ready for more trust is to be respectful of your parent’s wishes and accept their guidance. Learn how to communicate love, honor, and respect to each other.

Answer #2

amblessed is absolutely correct. Parents only want the best for their children, they want to see them healthy, not only physically but mentally as well. They want to see them happy and want to see them be successful people, not just another lost teen. You are much too young to move out, beside you have no idea how much hardship you go through trying to live on your own. If you can’t handle living with providing parents you can’t handle it out there.

Answer #3

why don’t you want to live wth your parents? are they abusive to you or do they neglect you? I’m 14 also, and I have a lot of moments when I just don’t want to live where I live, but thats only when I’m angry, sad, or upset. But you have to have a serious reason if you want to take it to court. Do you have any family that you could live with? because if you don’t, then you might be taken into a foster home.

Answer #4

nah were to young we dont get a say who we live with

Answer #5



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