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What do I do to stop getting harassed?
everywhere I go like school or the mall someone either grabs my ass or boob by accident but im not stupid I no its not an accident those stupid horny guys they always grab me like when I bend or look somewhere else, and then they say sorry. I understand if it only happens a couple times but now its keeps happening and im tired of it what do I do?
Like what people said above, and perhaps if you start wearing oversize bulky sweatshirts you’ll attract a little less attention. I agree its sad that people do what they do… but sometimes you gotta do just a little extra, and even then that may not be enough. Laugh when I say this, but my “posterior” (can’t use the word I wanted to) gets grabbed. Not sure why either. I dress like crap but its worth a shot in your case.
ummm…look at your pictures, if you don’t want that kind of attention don’t give that kind of messages out. Seeing your pictures makes me think you just want something to complain about, some girls can’t get guys to even look at them so feel lucky. Again though, if you don’t act like a slut people won’t treat you like a slut.
it may very well be because of the way you dress as all of your funadvice pictures look provocative so its probably because of the way your dressed (if your wearing revealing clothing) though whats happening is sexual harassment and even if you dress provocativley, that doesnt give anyone the right to touch you you could try wearing clothes that cover up a bit more and see if it stops otherwise anytime someone puts there hands on you be direct and tell them to “‘f*ck off”‘
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