What if my friends think my boyfriend is bad?

ok well my boyfriend curses some and he gets sent to the office alot and get in trouble. and all my friends are trying to convence me to breake up with him him but they dont see him when me and him are in private. he is so sweet and he will do wat ever for me we have only kissed a couple of imes but he starting to his a little diffrent like a make out . How can i convence my friends he is the sweetest guy evr. and does anyone have make out tips and tequneaces. plz help i will never breake up with him

Answer #1

well i think your friends think he isnt good enogh for u and i guess they think u need better but if he only sweet in private then he needs to show your friends who he is not saying he needs to prove he is good enogh because it dosent matter what they think but if your worried about it talk to him about it

Answer #2

umm well my friends were like that with my ex and its part of the reason we broke up, like at school he was the bad boy but out of school he was totally sweet. He would send me cute texts and still like me no matter how weird I got but most of my friends hated him and one was just so obsessed with breaking us up that I couldnt handle it anymore so I broke up with him but it was the worst thing I could have done..but the worst thing was I had to watch him hook up and go out with other girls who I knew and deep down inside I still had feelings for him. So dont listen to your friends if yhou love him dont make the mistake of letting him go just tell your friends even though they cant see it he is sweet and you’ll love him no matter what!

Hope this helped!

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