What do I do about my cat being stolen?

My cat hasn’t been home for a couple of days. She never really leaves the house. The basement is the farthest she goes and she is always here to greet me in the morning. But hasn’t been the past few days. I went to the basement shaking treats because she comes to the sound. I heard her but not in the basement. I heard her in my upstairs nieghbors hallway. when I looked under the door I seen her paws face and collar. I knocked on the door and I heard someone go to the back door and then walk back upstairs. when I knocked again this time louder the person came back and opened the door. when I asked them to give me my cat they said they did not have her. I told them I seen her from under the door. my neighbor then got defensive and slammed the door in my face. I know my nieghbor has my cat but I don’t know what to do. do I call the cops or something? please help. everyone misses her dearly and fear that she might be in danger being up there. due to no food and no water.. PLEASE HELP!!!

Answer #1

call the cops

Answer #2

Well to be honest, if you came to my door and accused me of taking your cat, I’d probably slam the door in your face too. Even if I hadnt done it. So that really doesnt mean much. But by all means, call the cops. It shouldnt take more than 2 minutes to check to see if the cat is there.

Answer #3

Omg I wud due if my cat was stolen! I know you love your cat! But idunno! Call the police! And sure enough tell them why your calling! Go!!!

Answer #4

Maybe you can call the non emergency police number, tell them your situation and maybe they can check it out and bring you along to identify if it’s your cat or not. Maybe ask the surrounding neighbors if they had seen your cat or have seen the suspect with your cat. I just hope she is not in any kind of danger.

Answer #5

call the police yes, tell them the reasons why you say they stole your cat, and ask the police if they can go to the house with you to get your cat back

Answer #6

omg thats terrible! you have to call the police before its too late.

now go!

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