Good friends or more?

theres this kid that I’ve liked, for a while now, and appearently, according to everone (my best friends, and his bestfriends) say he likes me too.. and we’re going to a dance together but, I don’t know, I really like him, and I want to be more than friends but at the same time, we’re such good friends that if we tried to be more and it didn’t work out, it’d suck, because I’d be losing one of my best friends what do I do?

Answer #1

see how the dance goes. let him make the first move (guys get freaked out more when the girl tries to make the first move). if he seems nervous, that’s normal. however, if he seems more nervous than usual, that may be a sign. just be yourself and DON’T RUSH INTO IT! that would also spook them. just treat it as a friendly date. the more calm you are, the better it’ll go.

Answer #2

I think you should see how the dance goes - if you have a good vibe with him, then maybe you should act upon it. It’s one of those risks you can either take or push away, hope you make the right choice. :)

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