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What do I do?
Ok so this is another part of the last question I asked. Ok truthfully I have never kissed anyone and never have had a boyfriend. I am a person that wants to find true love and want to spend the rest of my life with that special someone. So this guy that I like I am always having to text him first, so what should I do about that? Also with the last question I asked I said that he wanted me to send him a naked pic of myself but I was never going to do it. Ok anyways howa do I attrack a guy? I mean I know its pretty sad that I have no experience and I am 18 so how do I do anything. I dont like guys my age cause I have been hurt to many times by them I tend to go for guys that are older than me. lol. PLEASE HELP!!! and thanks to anyone who helps me : )
I havent been with a lot of you lady’s, so I know what you are feeling, I’m 35, and you can count my lady time in less than 6 hour’s and only 1 of hour’s in the last 13 year’s so if you are in for true love you should know it take’s a lot of time, don’t send that guy eney thaing he’s just useing you.
It’s not that unusual to have no experience at your age. I know this girl who’s 22 and she has never done anything with a guy. Don’t worry about that being you in 4 years! I had one boyfriend, but that was…weird, and I have never done anything with a guy either. I’m 15 btw. But yeah, just be yourself and be confident. Guys tend to like confidence. If I were you, I would kind of wonder why this guy is being so forward and asking for a naked picture. :/ But don’t always be the first to text. If he likes you at all, he will start texting you after awhile. & if possible, try calling him instead of texting. It’s so much more personal. :]
hey im 15 still no boyfriend I wasted my first make out last week at a party I know im underage but we were drunk but we are friends with benefits um well I think just being urself will attract a guy dont send him a naked pic of urself unless you have met and know him well and he should send you one of him first I havnt got a boyfriend as my dad would probably lock me up if I did lol
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